Changing a hosting service provider and transferring a domain is a complicated task. However, if you are not satisfied with your current service provider, offers to transfer your domain without any interference to your website or e-mail account. Remember, you should cancel your former hosting service provider only once your domain transfer has already been completed, rather than before.
Domain transfer action plan:
1. Download your files from your current hosting service provider using the same software that you use for uploading such as, for instance, an FTP client. If you have created a database, save it in one or more files outside the hosting company’s servers.
2. Find a new hosting company and create your hosting account or accounts.
3. Upload your files to the new hosting account, and import the existing database to the new hosting database.
4. Create an e-mail address on the new hosting server. While the new e-mail address is in the process of being created, for security reasons please ensure that you have a backup account. This will be able to receive any e-mail messages that are sent to you while the new e-mail remains non-functional. If you need to create e-mail addresses for several employees, but you have no access to passwords, create new passwords and ask the employees to change them at a later stage.
5. Attempt a website test without changing the DNS. When doing this, check all pages on the site rather than just the front page.
6. Change the name servers for your domain.
7. Wait while the change of DNS is being carried out. It usually takes between twenty-four and forty-eight hours.
8. When the DNS change has been made and your website is functional, cancel your former hosting service provider.