Configuration of MS Outlook
1) Open e-mail browser MS Outlook. In main menu choose Tools > E-mail Accounts...
2) In E-mail Accounts window choose Add a new e-mail account. To continue press Next...
3) Choose POP or IMAP e-mail receiving protocol. Press Next...
4) In Your Name field put in name, for example Juris, in E-mail Address field put in your e-mail address, for example, In the Incoming mail server field put in: mail.[your domain].lv and in Outgoing mail server address – outgoing mail server address, which you get from your internet service provider. In the User Name Name field put in user name and in the Password field put in password. These data are provided by your e-mail administrator. By pressing button Test Account Settings we can check, if the entered data is correct and works without errors. To proceed press Next...
5) Congratulation, configuration is finished. Press Finish, to end and save configuration data!