Configuration The Bat!
1) By running program The Bat! A window opens Create New User Account. In this window click near possibility I want to create a new account. Press Next...
2) In the Account name field put in the user name. Press button Browse and choose folder, where user files will be stored, for example C:My documents. To continue, press Next...
3) In the Your full name field put in your name and surname (these data are shown while sending letters), for example Juris Koks. In the E-mail Address field put in your e-mail address, for example Juris@domē and in field Organization put in company name. Press Next...
4) Choose POP or IMAP e-mail receiving protocol, in the Incoming mail server address address field write: mail.[your domain].lv and in Outgoing mail server address – outgoing mail server address, which you can get from your internet service provider. Press Next...
5) In the Username field put in your user name and in the Password field put in your password. These data is provided by your e-mail administrator. Press Next...
6) In this window can be seen the type of your internet connection. Press Next...
7) Congratulations, configuration is complete. If you wish to review or change settings of your e-mail browser press Yes, if no No. Press Finish, to end and save configuration data.